LaserDisc Grading and Encapsulation


SEALED LaserDisc Information

Please enter all LaserDisc information.

Declared Value *

Please select the declared value of this album for insurance purposes.

Crossover Grading

We break out your vinyl record from another company's encapsulation in preparation to encapsulate it in the VMG holder. Please note that optional services such as cleaning and sticker removal ARE available for submissions that include crossover grading. NOTE: By selecting the crossover grading, you agree that there is a risk of damage to the submission's contents during the break-out process. VMG is not responsible for damage caused during the breakout process.

Expedite Service

Applicable to submissions with all service options. NOTE: If VMG is experiencing a heavy backlog, you will be notified if we expect it to take longer than 15 days to complete the submission.

This option does not include any cleaning services. NOTE: If we have a heavy backlog, you will be notified if we expect it to take longer than 5 days to complete the submission.

Cleaning Services

VMG's team of experts have techniques to remove surface dirt and can, to an extent 'brighten' the appearance of the shrink, thereby rejuvenating the shrink.

Note: selecting this add-on doesn’t guarantee sticker removal. If VMG’s team of experts determine that removal of the sticker is likely to damage the sleeve, shrink or uncover pre-existing damage, rather than attempting to proceed, we will let you know that and refund the fee associated with this service.

LaserDisc Mailing Kit

Custom-made double-box cartons with all packaging materials needed to ship up to 5 titles. Built to last multiple shipments.

PSA/DNA Autograph Authentication

Check this option if you would like VMG to send your autographed submission to be authenticated. We will handle the shipping and paperwork for the PSA/DNA submission process. NOTE: VMG will send an additional invoice for the difference if the PSA authentication process costs more than the cost of this option.


Would you like your items slabbed a certain way? Special shipping requests? Just want to tell us how excited you are about your new submission? Tell us in the notes section.

Product price: $49.99
Total options:
Order total:
SKU: VMG-LD-101 Category:


Sealed LaserDisc encapsulated in our crystal clear patented tamper-evident ultrasonically welded holder featuring our informative label and a QR code to the submission landing page displaying information specific to the submission.

Additional information

Audible Grading

No Grading

Cleaning Services

No Cleaning Services

Photo Package

No Photo Package

Submission Type


Vinyl Record Mailer Kit

No Mailer Kit

Vinyl-to-Digital Transfer

Single Album