Products & Services
VMG offers a wide range of services to fit your budget without sacrificing quality in any of our offerings.
VMG offers a wide range of services to fit your budget without sacrificing quality in any of our offerings.
Sealed Albums
Sealed albums undergo a meticulous evaluation in three key areas: Cover, Spine, and Seal. Each category receives a numeric grade based on our rigorous grading criteria, with the overall grade determined by our proprietary rubric. After grading, the album is ultrasonically sealed in our patented cases, ensuring long-lasting protection and preservation for years to come.
Sealed Albums
Sealed albums are expertly evaluated in three main categories: Cover, Spine, and Seal. A numeric grade IS assigned to each category based on our grading rubric, and the overall grade is then calculated using our proprietary algorithm. Once graded, the album is ultrasonically sealed in our patented cases to protect and preserve your record for years to come.

Open Albums
Open albums are evaluated based on the cover, spine, vinyl and label. Each category is assigned a grade based on our grading rubric, with the overall grade then calculated using our proprietary algorithm.
Hinged Vinyl Exposed
The vinyl is encased and hinged to the encased cover with our patented “clamshell”cases, allowing collectors to protect and preserve their collectibles while still enjoying the visual beauty of both the cover and the vinyl. The patented design allows us to encase single, double, and even triple albums, with the case folding for easy storage.
Open Albums
Open albums are carefully assessed in four categories: Cover, Spine, Vinyl, and Label. Each category is assigned a grade according to our meticulous grading rubric, with the overall grade then determined by our proprietary system.
Hinged Vinyl Exposed
Our patented clamshell vinyl record cases are designed to securely encase your vinyl and hinge it to the cover, offering collectors the perfect balance of protection and display. Showcase the visual appeal of both the album cover and the vinyl while ensuring long-term preservation. These innovative cases accommodate single, double, and triple albums, with a folding design that’s secured by embedded magnets for easy and safe storage. Ideal for vinyl collectors looking to protect and display their record collections.
Vinyl in Sleeve (VIS)
This option allows collectors the opportunity to have their records slabbed inside the cover. The label has a unique black stripe so collectors can easily differentiate between VIS and sealed albums.
Vinyl-in-Sleeve (VIS)
This option gives vinyl collectors the opportunity to have their records securely slabbed inside the album cover. Each record features a unique identifier on the label, making it easy to differentiate between VIS (Vinyl-In-Sleeve) and sealed albums. Perfect for serious collectors looking to preserve and identify their vinyl records with ease.

Audio Backup
We want to preserve the sound of your album so it can be enjoyed without the risk of damaging the record. VMG will make a digital backup of your album for you, using state-of-the-art, high-tech equipment to ensure that every subtle crack and pop of your record is recorded exactly as it sounds when played on a turntable. Because your album – graded, slabbed, and serial numbered – is truly unique, the digital audio of your album is also unique. Only one album in the world will have the identity, grade, serial number, and specific sound that your album has!
VMG will create an NFT unique to your album. That NFT will be transferred to your crypto wallet, proving you to be the owner of a unique, one-of-one audio file corresponding to your graded album. The NFT unlocks access to your FLAC file. With this NFT in your wallet, you are the proven owner of a unique audio file! Congratulations!
Soft Grading
Soft-grading labels are an economical option for collectors who would like to have a non-permanent 3rd-party grade but still have their album authenticated and graded.
Ultrasonic Cleaning (Recommended prior to submitting for grading)
Our cleaning process starts with cleaning the runout groove. Then we run it through a cleaner and solution that will knock down the large debris, grease, and fingerprints. Next, the first ultrasonic heavy cleaning cycle is undertaken, using a solution formulated with archival deep cleaning in mind. The final ultrasonic cleaning cycle is a rinse cycle and uses pure degassed distilled water. Finally, the record is spot-free dried under forced air that is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the record. Once finished, the cleaned record goes straight into an anti-static sleeve.
Audio Grading
With years of experience and expertise, providing audio grading to complement any visual grading service. We are the only company in the market that offers both audio and physical grading of your records; The most complete evaluation offered.
Vinyl-to-digital transfer
At VMG, we’re committed to preserving the pristine sound of your album so you can enjoy it without risking damage to the original vinyl. Using high-end audiophile-grade equipment, we create a high-resolution digital backup of your record, capturing every nuance exactly as it plays on a turntable. Your album, once graded, slabbed, and assigned a unique serial number, becomes a one-of-a-kind collectible, and so does its digital audio. Only one album in the world will have your specific identity, grade, serial number, and unique sound profile!
Soft Grading