Welcome to VMG 0 replies 57 viewsThis is not a public-run forum. This is a VMG forum paid for by VMG and provided to VMG customers and supporters to exchange information regarding vinyl records and music memorabilia. We are providing this forum to collectors to build a VMG community. Share your recent purchases, your want list, your collecting focuses and goals. The hobby is filled with collectors across the globe. We want to bring those folks together to share, educate, discuss, buy, sell and trade the records that they love. Posting inappropriate, insensitive, crude, or vulgar images or language will not be tolerated, and access will be revoked . Attacking another poster or making disparaging personal remarks will not be tolerated, and access will be revoked This is a VMG forum. Posts promoting or bashing other grading companies or services are not allowed. Those posts will be removed, and access will be revoked. To contact Forum Administration, please email info@VMGvinyl.com